(gnuplot) timefmt

  This command applies to timeseries where data are composed of dates/times.
  It has no meaning unless the command `set xdata time` is given also.
        set timefmt "<format string>"
        show timefmt
  The string argument tells `gnuplot`  how to read timedata
  from the datafile. The valid formats are:
        Format       Explanation
        %d           day of the month, 1--31
        %m           month of the year, 1--12
        %y           year, 0--99
        %Y           year, 4-digit
        %j           day of the year, 1--365
        %H           hour, 0--24
        %M           minute, 0--60
        %S           second, 0--60
        %b           three-character abbreviation of the name of the month
        %B           name of the month
  Any character is allowed in the string, but must match exactly.  \t (tab) is
  recognized.  Backslash-octals (\nnn) are converted to char.  If there is no
  separating character between the time/date elements, then %d, %m, %y, %H, %M
  and %S read two digits each, %Y reads four digits and %j reads three digits.
  %b requires three characters, and %B requires as many as it needs.
  Spaces are treated slightly differently.  A space in the string stands for
  zero or more whitespace characters in the file.  That is, "%H %M" can be used
  to read "1220" and "12     20" as well as "12 20".
  Each set of non-blank characters in the timedata counts as one column in the
  `using n:n` specification.  Thus `11:11  25/12/76  21.0` consists of three
  columns.  To avoid confusion, `gnuplot` requires that you provide a complete
  `using`  specification if your file contains timedata.
  Since `gnuplot` cannot read non-numerical text, if the date format includes
  the day or month in words, the format string must exclude this text.  But
  it can still be printed with the "%a", "%A", "%b", or "%B" specifier: see
  `set format`  for more details about these and other options
  for printing timedata.  (`gnuplot` will determine the proper month and weekday
  from the numerical values.)
  See also `set xdata`  and Time/date for more information.
        set timefmt "%d/%m/%Y\t%H:%M"
  tells `gnuplot` to read date and time separated by tab.  (But look closely at
  your data---what began as a tab may have been converted to spaces somewhere
  along the line; the format string must match what is actually in the file.)

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